Decolonial Philosophy
Nelson Maldonado-Torres (University of Connecticut)
This master class approaches decolonial philosophy as the philosophical exploration of (a) questions that emerge in the context of modernity/coloniality, and (b) creative expressions, including art, ideas, institutions, practices, sexualities, and spiritualities, that seek to counter coloniality and to build a different world. At stake is also the interpretation of the meaning of philosophy, and the extent to which decoloniality could be conceived as first philosophy. In celebration of Frantz Fanon’s centennial this year, and in recognition to his vital contributions to decolonial philosophy, his work will serve as a major reference. In preparation for the class, students should read the following text by the instructor, which draws from Fanon’s work and will provide the framework for the class: “Outline of Ten Theses on Coloniality and Decoloniality.”
Nelson Maldonado-Torres is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Connecticut and Professor Extraordinarius at the University of South Africa. A former President of the Caribbean Philosophical Association, he is currently Co-Chair of the Frantz Fanon Foundation and Senior Associate of the BlackHouse Kollective-Soweto, in South Africa.