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History for the Future of Humanity

Roman Krznaric in conversation with Alexis Papazoglou

What can humankind’s rich history of radical revolts teach us about the power of disobedience to tackle the climate crisis? What inspiration could we take from eighteenth century Japan to create a regenerative economy today? How might understanding the origins of capitalism spark ideas for bringing AI under control?

In this event, leading social philosopher Roman Krznaric will discuss fascinating insights and inspiration from the last 1000 years of world history that could help us confront the most urgent challenges facing humanity in the twenty-first century. From bridging the inequality gap and reducing the risks of genetic engineering, to reviving our faith in democracy and avoiding ecological collapse, this conversation will show that history is not simply a means of understanding the past but a way of reimagining our relationship with the future. In fact, Krznaric will argue, history offers a vision of radical hope that could turn out to be our most vital tool for surviving and thriving in the turbulent decades ahead.

Roman Krznaricis a social philosopher who writes about the power of ideas to create change. His books have been published in more than 25 languages. He is Senior Research Fellow at Oxford University’s Centre for Eudaimonia and Human Flourishing and founder of the world’s first Empathy Museum. His new book, History for Tomorrow: Inspiration from the Past for the Future of Humanity, is published by Penguin.




Alexis Papazoglou is Managing Editor of the LSE British Politics and Policy blog. He was previously senior editor for the Institute of Arts and Ideas, and a philosophy lecturer at Cambridge and Royal Holloway. He is also host of the podcast, “The Philosopher and the News”.



Monday 24th June

11am PT/2pm ET/7pm UK

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