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"Learning We": An Essay by Brooke A. Holmes (Keywords: Classical Education; Pedagogy; Crisis; National Identity; Humanism; Race; 1619 Project; Fanon)
"What defines the human on which the “we” of this nation was (truly) founded?"
Brooke A. Holmes
17 min read

Frantz Fanon’s "The Wretched of the Earth": a conversation with Lewis R. Gordon (Keywords: Violence; Race; Dehumanisation; Psychoanalysis; Intersubjectivity; Poetry)
"Fanon himself hated violence. But what he hated more was complicity with violence through a refusal to act."
Lewis R. Gordon
10 min read

"Inheriting the Poetry of Survival": Caleb Ward reviews "Survival Is a Promise: The Eternal Life of Audre Lorde" by Alexis Pauline Gumbs (Keywords: Poetry; Biography; Black Feminism)
"Something as insubstantial as a poetic image, if it touches on some truth or real feeling, can launch transformations."
Caleb Ward
15 min read

"A Particularly Wonderful Human Being": Linda Martín Alcoff on Charles W. Mills
"We had a really egalitarian relationship, and I have not found that to be the case too often with male academics."
Linda Martín Alcoff
16 min read

Ignorance, Innocent and Otherwise: A Conversation with Charles W. Mills (Keywords: Race; Knowledge)
"We don’t know not because we can’t know but because we don’t want to know."
Charles W. Mills
8 min read

"The Philosophical Legacy of Charles W. Mills" by Elvira Basevich (Keywords: Race; Liberalism)
"Death brings in its wake a peculiar sense of aloneness in which one loses the image of one’s self that another held."
Elvira Basevich
11 min read
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