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"Learning We": An Essay by Brooke A. Holmes (Keywords: Classical Education; Pedagogy; Crisis; National Identity; Humanism; Race; 1619 Project; Fanon)
"What defines the human on which the “we” of this nation was (truly) founded?"
Brooke A. Holmes
17 min read

"Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed": A conversation with Henry A. Giroux (Keywords: Violence; Critical Pedagogy; Neoliberalism; Hope)
"Hope is not only an educational practice, it is about social change and collective struggle. Hope is fundamentally social."
Henry A. Giroux
13 min read

"Doing Philosophy While Doing Time": Helena de Bres reviews "The Life Inside" by Andy West
"I confess to persistent envy while reading The Life Inside about the urgency that philosophical questions have in West’s classrooms. "
Helena de Bres
10 min read
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