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"What is Hegelian Marxism?" and "Socalism and Freedom": Martin Hägglund and Lea Ypi in Conversation
"Our unfreedom under capitalism stems from how the purpose of our economy, of our life-sustaining activities, is already decided."
Martin Hägglund and Lea Ypi
37 min read

"Everything You Love Has Gone Woke": Nathan Oseroff-Spicer reviews "Left Is Not Woke" by Susan Neiman
"Without clear descriptions, definitions, or examples of “woke”, it may seem Neiman is battling a series of straw-people."
Nathan Oseroff-Spicer
15 min read

"Analytic vs Continental Philosophy: The Weirding of the Divide": An Essay by Tzuchien Tho
"The phenomenon of 'continental' philosophy or even 'French theory' is a thoroughly Anglophone one."
Tzuchien Tho
9 min read
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