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Heather King
7 min read
"Metaphorizing Animals": An Essay by Heather King (Keywords: Animals; Art; Literature; Selfhood)
"What sort of selves do literary works create? More broadly still, what kinds of selves does any manner of artwork create?"

Elizabeth Anderson and Alexis Papazoglou
14 min read
"Polarization and Talking Across Difference": Elizabeth Anderson in conversation with Alexis Papazoglou (Keywords: Democracy; Populism; Reparations; Pragmatism; John Dewey; Susan Neiman)
"Everything has been sorted and segregated so that people of different political parties have no opportunities to engage one another."

Eva Meijer
17 min read
"Deep Listening and Democracy: Political Listening to Fellow Citizens and Other Beings": Eva Meijer
"Who can speak is a fundamental political question – both in the meaning of who is allowed to speak, and who is seen as a speaking being."

Jeff Sebo
9 min read
"Animal": An Essay by Jeff Sebo (Keywords: Ethics; Anthropocene; Rights; Planet; Pandemic)
"The idea that all humans should have rights is good, but the idea that only humans should have rights is bad."

Christopher Belshaw
12 min read
"What is the Point of Wild Animals?" by Christopher Belshaw (Keywords: Ethics; death; Personhood)
"Contrary to widespread thinking, it is farm animals rather than those left to fend for themselves in the wild that have the better lives."
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