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Carrie Jenkins
9 min read
"Love" by Carrie Jenkins (Keywords: Normativity; Eudaimonia; Marriage; Socio-Economic Status)
"To love eudaimonically is to love with good spirits: with supportive community, with help from friends, and so on."
Josh Platzky Miller and Lea Cantor
10 min read
"The Future of the History of Philosophy" by Josh Platzky Miller and Lea Cantor
"We should abandon the idea of a 'Western Philosophy' and re-examine the history of philosophy without its distorting effects."
Joel Michael Reynolds
8 min read
"Bodymind" by Joel Michael Reynolds (Keywords: Phenomenology; Embodiment; Disability; Care)
"We still judge the worth of a person, and even entire groups, based on their bodies. We still do so to the point of death."
Mel Andrews
8 min read
"Philosophy in the Trenches and Laboratory Benches of Science": An Essay by Mel Andrews
"Philosophers are trained in the kind of abstract critical reasoning that is problematically absent from the sciences today."
Daniel Woolf
12 min read
"The Hegemony of Now": A Review of "Chronos: The West Confronts Time" by François Hartog
"As a species, we still glance at the future, but it is now through a foreboding mist of dread more than an aspirational cloud of hope."
Peter West
11 min read
"Otherworldly Science: Margaret Cavendish’s Critique of the Experimental Method" by Peter West
"The study of 'other worlds' can only be worthwhile if it ultimately helps us to better navigate the world which we currently inhabit."
Kris Sealey
10 min read
"Other" by Kris Sealey (Keywords: Race; Critical Black Studies; Recognition; Pseudoscience)
"The racialization central to modernity orients otherness in terms of what is human, and what is, in some iteration, humanity’s 'other'."
Ajahn Sucitto
20 min read
"Finding Refuge": A Conversation with Ajahn Sucitto (Keywords: Buddhism; Mind-Body; Perception)
"We may have done amazing things with the rational mind in the centuries since Descartes, yet there is still pain, anxiety, and depression."
Michelle Bastian
10 min read
"Time" by Michelle Bastian (Keywords: Continental Philosophy; Metaphysics; Sociology; Capitalism)
"How societies should tell the time, including how they set their clocks, has not generally been seen as a philosophical problem."
Amie L. Thomasson
16 min read
"Philosophy as Conceptual Engineering " by Amie L. Thomasson (Keywords: Metaphysics; Metaphilosophy)
"Change the concepts, and you can change the inferences, and in turn you can change the social, legal, and even scientific practices."
William Davies
9 min read
"Feeling" by William Davies (Keywords: Facts; Knowledge; Mind-Body; Populism; Politics; Psychiatry)
"Feeling messes with the distinction between mind and body that is so foundational to modern concepts of the self."
Savannah L. Pearlman
13 min read
"Mutual Aid and a Pluralistic Account of Solidarity": An Essay by Savannah L. Pearlman
"There is something odd about the notion that merely sharing an identity feature with someone else is a sufficient basis for solidarity."
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