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Jeff Love
14 min read
"Alexandre Kojève and Universal Emancipation": An Essay by Jeff Love (Keywords: Hegel; Master-Slave; Freedom; Servitude; Biography)
"Do we accept our servitude, recognizing that all attempts to overcome it end in futility, or seek to abolish it in an act of self-erasure?"
Leon Krings and Francesca Greco
19 min read
"Japanese Philosophy between Eurocentrism and World Philosophy": Leon Krings & Francesca Greco review "The Oxford Handbook of Japanese Philosophy" by Bret W. Davis (ed.)
"A philosophical argument can draw on a set of culturally specific ideas while also aiming at cross-cultural or universal insights."
"Authorship(s)": An Essay by Moritz Gansen, Hannah Wallenfels, and Lilja Walliser (Keywords: The Philosophical Canon; Authority; Academia; Neutrality; Collectivity)
"Can an idea be ours without just being owned? Can the author survive the end of authorial authority?"
Ellie Robson
11 min read
"Mary Midgley on Water and Thought: Is Public Philosophy Like Plumbing?": An Essay by Ellie Robson (Keywords: Public Philosophy; Metaphilosophy; A.J. Ayer; Descartes; Philosophical Lives; Solitude)
"What makes someone especially good at philosophy, argues Midgley, is a kind of perceptiveness, a power to distinguish what really matters."
Hannah H. Kim
11 min read
"Life as a 'Non-standard' Narrative" By Hannah Kim (Keywords: Selfhood; Identity; Literature; East-Asian Fiction; Collectivity)
"By questioning the default story form, we question the default views on what kinds of lives we’ve been trained to find satisfying."
Emmalon Davis
12 min read
"Novelty": An Essay by Emmalon Davis (Keywords: Knowledge; Genius; Pedagogy; Academia; Games)
"Academic philosophers are increasingly trained to see themselves as valuable only insofar as they can produce knowledge."
Helen De Cruz
14 min read
"Sprezzatura and Wuwei: A Daoist Approach to European Courtly Grace": An Essay by Helen De Cruz (Keywords: Aesthetics; Skill; Beauty; Wonder; Flow; Music; Confucianism; Daoism; Self-Cultivation)
"The admiration that effortlessness invokes comes from a skill that lies beyond skill, which is achieved through mental emptiness."
Martin Hägglund and Lea Ypi
37 min read
"What is Hegelian Marxism?" and "Socalism and Freedom": Martin Hägglund and Lea Ypi in Conversation
"Our unfreedom under capitalism stems from how the purpose of our economy, of our life-sustaining activities, is already decided."
Philip Goff
11 min read
"The Glitter is in Everything" a conversation with Philip Goff (Keywords: Panpsychism; God; Meaning)
"I do think panpsychism is a picture of the world that is better than most for our mental and spiritual health!"
Stella Sandford
18 min read
"Kant's Legacy": A conversation with Stella Sandford (Keywords: Metaphysics; Knowledge; Race)
"One of the greatest challenges of the Critique of Pure Reason is that it asks us to rethink what we mean by ‘objectivity’."
Elvira Basevich
7 min read
"Agency": An Essay by Elvira Basevich (Keywords: Liberalism; Nonideal Theory; W.E.B. Du Bois)
"There are many nonideal scenarios that can negatively impact upon one’s capacity for rational deliberation."
Andy West
10 min read
"The House Always Wins. Or Does It?" Andy West reviews The Idea of Prison Abolition by Tommie Shelby
"The abolitionist is calling for such a radical reform of society that we actually don’t know how humans will behave in that new future."
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