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"Released from Prison?": Contributions from the Reimagining Re-entry Public Philosophy Group (Keywords: Punishment; Phenomenology; Home; Institutionalization; Education; Power)
"Home is our anchor point within reality which gives us orientation and allows us to set out in new directions."

"Global": An Essay by Yoko Arisaka (Keywords: History of Philosophy; The Canon; Language; Eurocentrism)
"Our non-global conception of philosophy is rather a latecomer, while still establishing itself as the history of philosophy."Â
Yoko Arisaka
8 min read

"Polarization and Talking Across Difference": Elizabeth Anderson in conversation with Alexis Papazoglou (Keywords: Democracy; Populism; Reparations; Pragmatism; John Dewey; Susan Neiman)
"Everything has been sorted and segregated so that people of different political parties have no opportunities to engage one another."
Elizabeth Anderson and Alexis Papazoglou
14 min read

"The Aesthetic Dimensions of Modern Philosophy" a conversation with Andrew Bowie (Keywords: Art; Language; Meaning; Epistemology; Modernity)
"If you think of meaning simply in semantic, verbal terms, you’re missing out much of what goes on in language."
Andrew Bowie
10 min read

"The Value of Philosophy in a Market-Driven World": An Essay by Hossein Dabbagh (Keywords: Education; Humanities; Neoliberalism; Ethics; Critical Thinking; Social Justice)
"The emphasis on immediate economic returns overlooks the long-term societal benefits of a populace well-versed in philosophical reasoning"
Hossein Dabbagh
8 min read

"Circling Back to the University: Public Philosophy and Pedagogy in the 21st Century": An Essay by Aaron James Wendland (Keywords: Academia; Ethics; Ukraine War; Emmanuel Levinas)
"The dialectical link between our scholarly and civic activities implies that the future of public philosophy lies in the universities."
Aaron James Wendland
8 min read

"Ideology": An essay by Jason Blakely (Keywords: Politics; History; Culture; Scientism; Hermeneutics; Neoliberalism; Karl Marx; Clifford Geertz)
"When someone is lost in ideology, their politics appears natural, even scientific, and not historical and cultural."
Jason Blakely
10 min read

"Disobedience and Seeing Like an Activist": Erin R. Pineda in conversation with Robin Celikates (Keywords: Civil Rights Movement; Liberalism; Punishment; Liberation)
"I try to show that civil disobedience emerged within a civil rights movement that was deeply in conversation with anti-colonial movements."
Erin R. Pineda and Robin Celikates
18 min read

"Post-Post-Racialism: or the Evolution of Race-Thinking": A Conversation with Paul C. Taylor (Keywords: Metaphilosophy; Political Philosophy; Afropessimism; Aesthetics)
"The burden of philosophy is to provide the resources to tell ourselves stories so we can subject ourselves to self-scrutiny."Â
Paul C. Taylor
22 min read

"Alexandre Kojève and Universal Emancipation": An Essay by Jeff Love (Keywords: Hegel; Master-Slave; Freedom; Servitude; Biography)
"Do we accept our servitude, recognizing that all attempts to overcome it end in futility, or seek to abolish it in an act of self-erasure?"
Jeff Love
14 min read

"Japanese Philosophy between Eurocentrism and World Philosophy": Leon Krings & Francesca Greco review "The Oxford Handbook of Japanese Philosophy" by Bret W. Davis (ed.)
"A philosophical argument can draw on a set of culturally specific ideas while also aiming at cross-cultural or universal insights."
Leon Krings and Francesca Greco
19 min read

"Authorship(s)": An Essay by Moritz Gansen, Hannah Wallenfels, and Lilja Walliser (Keywords: The Philosophical Canon; Authority; Academia; Neutrality; Collectivity)
"Can an idea be ours without just being owned? Can the author survive the end of authorial authority?"
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