"Questioning our Need for Punishment": Henrique Carvalho and Anastasia Chamberlen (Keywords: Justice; Hostile Solidarity; Public Philosophy; Sociology; Durkheim)
"A Different Dream of Labour": Deryn Thomas reviews "Henry at Work: Thoreau on Making a Living" by John Kaag and Jonathan van Belle (Keywords: Public Philosophy; Post-Work; Simone Weil; Hannah Arendt)
"Released from Prison?": Contributions from the Reimagining Re-entry Public Philosophy Group (Keywords: Punishment; Phenomenology; Home; Institutionalization; Education; Power)
"Global": An Essay by Yoko Arisaka (Keywords: History of Philosophy; The Canon; Language; Eurocentrism)
"Polarization and Talking Across Difference": Elizabeth Anderson in conversation with Alexis Papazoglou (Keywords: Democracy; Populism; Reparations; Pragmatism; John Dewey; Susan Neiman)
"The Aesthetic Dimensions of Modern Philosophy" a conversation with Andrew Bowie (Keywords: Art; Language; Meaning; Epistemology; Modernity)
"The Value of Philosophy in a Market-Driven World": An Essay by Hossein Dabbagh (Keywords: Education; Humanities; Neoliberalism; Ethics; Critical Thinking; Social Justice)
"Circling Back to the University: Public Philosophy and Pedagogy in the 21st Century": An Essay by Aaron James Wendland (Keywords: Academia; Ethics; Ukraine War; Emmanuel Levinas)
"Ideology": An essay by Jason Blakely (Keywords: Politics; History; Culture; Scientism; Hermeneutics; Neoliberalism; Karl Marx; Clifford Geertz)
"Disobedience and Seeing Like an Activist": Erin R. Pineda in conversation with Robin Celikates (Keywords: Civil Rights Movement; Liberalism; Punishment; Liberation)
"Post-Post-Racialism: or the Evolution of Race-Thinking": A Conversation with Paul C. Taylor (Keywords: Metaphilosophy; Political Philosophy; Afropessimism; Aesthetics)
"Alexandre Kojève and Universal Emancipation": An Essay by Jeff Love (Keywords: Hegel; Master-Slave; Freedom; Servitude; Biography)