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David Livingstone Smith
14 min read
"Are We Decent Deep Down?": David Livingstone Smith reviews "Humankind" by Rutger Bregman
"A large part of human nature is our capacity to use culture to engineer human nature itself, for good or for ill."
Jeremy Fantl
11 min read
"The Epistemologist's Moment": Jeremy Fantl reviews "Knowing Our Limits" by NAthan Ballantyne
It’s our time. Or so philosophers like to think. Technological and cultural developments over the last 30 years have provided concrete...
Brian O’Connor
10 min read
"Idleness and Society": a conversation with Brian O'Connor (Keywords: Kant; Hegel; Enlightenment; Work; Autonomy)
What was it that motivated your book on idleness? It was actually an accident that brought me to it. I have always been interested in...
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