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"Finding Refuge": A Conversation with Ajahn Sucitto (Keywords: Buddhism; Mind-Body; Perception)
"We may have done amazing things with the rational mind in the centuries since Descartes, yet there is still pain, anxiety, and depression."
Ajahn Sucitto
20 min read

"Humanising War, Obscuring Peace": A Conversation with Samuel Moyn
"I sense that humanisation is the problem as much as the solution because it masks efforts at domination."
Samuel Moyn
21 min read

"Philosophy, Memoir, and Revelation": Andy West in Conversation with Adam Ferner
"I have no interest in arguing that memoir is actually philosophy and philosophy is actually memoir. I’m happy to cannibalise both."
Andy West
17 min read

"Can Our Bodies Ever Be Good Enough?" Clare Chambers in conversation with Brian D. Earp
"The images and the ideals about how our body should be are strongly dependent on existing inequalities and discriminatory practices."
Clare Chambers and Brian D. Earp
13 min read

Kermit’s Dreams: (Sophie) Kermit in conversation with Robert S. Leib
"We have lots to question anew around exoanthropology, especially on the nature of persons and normative structures involved in personhood."
Robert S. Leib
15 min read

Ignorance, Innocent and Otherwise: A Conversation with Charles W. Mills (Keywords: Race; Knowledge)
"We don’t know not because we can’t know but because we don’t want to know."
Charles W. Mills
8 min read

"Wild Philosophy": a Conversation with Jonathan Rée (Keywords: Public Philosophy; History)
"Nearly all histories of philosophy put readers in the position of someone who has to recognize that philosophy is too difficult for them."
Jonathan Rée
15 min read

"We Have Always Been Geological": a conversation with Thomas Nail (Keywords: Agency; Anthropocene)
"The most radical import of the Anthropocene is the unpredictable agency and mobility of the earth itself."
Thomas Nail
12 min read

"Messy Freedoms": A Conversation with Maggie Nelson (Keywords: Sex; Care; Responsibility; Motherhood
"While interdependency is a great fact, it does not actually tell us very much about what we are to do with it."
Maggie Nelson
21 min read

"Does the Heart Simply Want What the Heart Wants?" A Conversation with Amia Srinivasan
"We, as desirous creatures, are much more complex than the reigning ideology would have us believe."
Amia Srinivasan
20 min read

"Physics is Not an Exception": A Conversation with Chanda Prescod-Weinstein
"There’s this wide gap between what I think empiricism should be, and the kind of empiricism I actually see in practice as a scientist."
Chanda Prescod-Weinstein
19 min read

"The Time of Our Lives": A Conversation with Martin Hägglund (Keywords: Faith; Freedom; Society)
"There is not first an individual and then society, or the other way around. Rather, it is in our nature to be socially formed."
Martin Hägglund
13 min read

"Artificial Bodies and the Promise of Abstraction": a conversation with Peter Wolfendale (Keywords: Philosophy of Mind; Phenomenology; Embodiment)
Please can you start by saying a few things about the rise of embodiment within contemporary philosophy? It seems to me to be mainly used...
Peter Wolfendale
18 min read

"Feminism, Marriage and Choice" A Conversation with Clare Chambers (Keywords: Liberalism; equality)
"There are lots of ways in which women have a much better situation than we did once. But equally there are ways in which it is much worse."
Clare Chambers
11 min read

"Finitude": a conversation with A.W. Moore (Keywords: Kant; Hegel; Wittgenstein; Metaphysics)
This interview was originally published in The Kantian Catastophe? Conversations on Finitude and the Limits of Philosophy , edited by...
A.W. Moore
19 min read

"Transcendental Idealism": a conversation with Lucy Allais (Keywords: Kant, Metaphysics, Ethics)
​ This interview was originally published in The Kantian Catastophe? Conversations on Finitude and the Limits of Philosophy , edited by...
Lucy Allais
18 min read

"The Analytic of Finitude": a conversation with Béatrice Han-Pile (Keywords: Foucault, Kant, History of Philosophy)
​ Anthony Morgan: I was hoping you could begin by saying a few things about Foucault specifically as a philosopher, given that he is...
Béatrice Han-Pile
19 min read
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