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"Sprezzatura and Wuwei: A Daoist Approach to European Courtly Grace": An Essay by Helen De Cruz (Keywords: Aesthetics; Skill; Beauty; Wonder; Flow; Music; Confucianism; Daoism; Self-Cultivation)
"The admiration that effortlessness invokes comes from a skill that lies beyond skill, which is achieved through mental emptiness."
Helen De Cruz
14 min read

"A Democratic Approach to Public Philosophy" by Jonathon Hawkins and Peter West
"If academics want to increase uptake and funding, it seems plausible to suggest they must do something that is publicly interesting."
Jonathon Hawkins and Peter West
15 min read

"Reparations for American Chattel Slavery" by Stephen Darwall (Keywords: Justice; Hierarchy; Law)
"Arguably, the function of the modern concept of race was to rationalize forms of oppression and subjugation like chattel slavery."
Stephen Darwall
18 min read

"Effective Altruism, Longtermism, and the Problem of Arbitrary Power": An Essay by Gwilym David Blunt (Keywords: Ethics; Existential Threats; Billionaires; Peter Singer)
"The ethos of Silicon Valley is often described as ‘libertarian’, but it isn’t. It is deeply authoritarian."
Gwilym David Blunt
13 min read

"What Does It Mean to Think Together?" by Jana Bacevic (Keywords: Arendt; Debate; Political Life)
"What does it mean to think with others even if, or particularly when, our living conditions may not be conducive to thought?"
Jana Bacevic
12 min read

"The Hope of Public Philosophy" by Yarran Hominh (Keywords: Knowledge; Action; Depression; Praxis)
"To live in hopeless times is not only subjectively to feel hopeless. It is for that feeling in a real way to reflect the way things are."
Yarran Hominh
11 min read

"Philosophy in the Agora: Past, Present and Future": An Essay by Angie Hobbs (Keywords: Public Philosophy; Argument; Stoicism)
"Philosophy, including and perhaps especially, public philosophy, is often best done in dialogue, as Socrates well knew."
Angie Hobbs
15 min read

"Character, Vices, and Authority" by Ian James Kidd (Keywords: Epistemology; Ethics; Virtue; Truth)
"Epistemic vices are fundamentally failures of our inner life, failures to relate or respond to epistemic values and ideals."
Ian James Kidd
13 min read

"The Absent Body (and Beyond)" by Drew Leder (Keywords: Dualism; Mind-Body; Self; Illness; Healing)
"The Platonic/Cartesian formulation captures an abiding element of human experience; the body can be a prison from which we long to be free"
Drew Leder
15 min read

"What is Alienation?" by Akeel Bilgrami (Keywords: Politics; Social Contract; Marx; Locke)
"What I will seek, then, is to uncover something about the underlying mentality that exemplifies the ideal of an unalienated life."
Akeel Bilgrami
11 min read

"The Post-Human Body": by Ellen Clarke (Keywords: Biology; Microbiome; Embodiment; Selfhood)
"There is a deep-rooted folk concept of the human organism, which assumes that our bodies are pure and uncontaminated by outside matter."
Ellen Clarke
13 min read

"But First, Nothing": by Karmen MacKendrick (Keywords: Metaphysics; Theology; Ontology; Kabbalah)
"Before anything can be, there must be made nothing; prior to this contraction, nothing is not – where, after all, would it be?"
Karmen MacKendrick
14 min read

"Philosophy Born of Struggle" by Vincent Lloyd (Keywords: Black Philosophy; Old Age; Moods; Hope)
"We must ask what it means to do philosophy when we expect that the next generation will be worse off, in many ways, than our generation."
Vincent Lloyd
7 min read

"Visual Thinking: Art as a Form of Thought": Hanneke Grootenboer (Keywords: Art; Aesthetics; Space)
"If one needs a dwelling place to start thinking, an artwork can serve as a kind of shelter where thinking can take place. "
Hanneke Grootenboer
11 min read

"Deep Listening and Democracy: Political Listening to Fellow Citizens and Other Beings": Eva Meijer
"Who can speak is a fundamental political question – both in the meaning of who is allowed to speak, and who is seen as a speaking being."
Eva Meijer
17 min read

"Why Should We Give a Damn? On Sharing Emotions" by Thomas Szanto (Phenomenology; Normativity)
"Emotions are based rather on affective concerns, concerns over what really matters to the subjects – what we “give a damn” about."
Thomas Szanto
14 min read

"We and I": An Essay by Dan Zahavi (Keywords: Phenomenology; Collective Intentionality; Selfhood)
"Selfhood is not only what allows us to mark our difference to others, it is also what permits us to share a perspective with them."
Dan Zahavi
14 min read

"Analytic vs Continental Philosophy: The Weirding of the Divide": An Essay by Tzuchien Tho
"The phenomenon of 'continental' philosophy or even 'French theory' is a thoroughly Anglophone one."
Tzuchien Tho
9 min read

"Predicting the Future of Mind" by Thomas Moynihan (Keywords: History of Ideas; Evolution; Holism)
"While it may seem the thing we’re most fluent in, we’re actually strangers to mind, insofar as it is an unfinished and ongoing category."
Thomas Moynihan
10 min read

"Being and Accident: A Mexican Ontology" by Carlos Alberto Sánchez (Keywords: Being; Nothingness)
"We can understand Mexican ontology as a means to push back against inherited and imposed ontological schemas of all sorts."
Carlos Alberto Sánchez
14 min read
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