The Philosopher is the journal of the PSE (Philosophical Society of England), a charitable organisation founded in 1913 to provide an alternative to the formal university-based discipline. You can find out more about the history of the PSE here.
As of 2018, The Philosopher is edited by Anthony Morgan and is published twice a year, both in print and digitally. Our print issues are dispatched globally by Unique Magazines.
The aim of The Philosopher is to publish philosophy that is emotionally intelligent, challenging, formally innovative, and socially just. Our understanding of what constitutes “philosophy” is broad and extends beyond the narrow confines typically set by the academy. We take seriously the interdisciplinary nature of contemporary philosophy, encouraging contributions from historians, cultural theorists, geographers, psychologists, classicists, activists, artists, and more.
We are keen to foster inclusionary citational practices (along the lines articulated by Sara Ahmed). As a result, we tend not to accept submissions that cite exclusively men.
All our contributors retain copyright of their work and all papers are available for free on request.
In addition to the journal, we host:
The "On Philosophy" series of digital dialogues that has so far attracted over 12,000 people from over 100 countries. Video recordings of these events can be watched here.
"The Philosopher and the News" podcast in partnership with Alexis Papazoglou. "The Philosopher and the News" was ranked #2 in a recent list of the UK’s top 15 philosophy podcasts.
Although The Philosopher relies primarily on the freely offered time of our editorial team and contributors in order to get by, we have a policy of paying those in insecure or precarious employment within academia, as well as freelancers. We do not pay much (on average £100 for a written piece and £50 for taking part in an event), but are working to secure the financial foundations necessary to pay our contributors more. From 2023, we will be publishing a quarterly breakdown of our finances on this page.
We are unfunded and rely 100% on community generosity. If you would like to support us, you can make a donation (one-off or regular) here, you can become a member through Patreon, or you can buy a copy of one of our beautifully designed print issues here.